Saturday, October 14, 2006


I should be feeling the calm. I am trying. I just did that last post and am still feeling wound up.
The irony of it is where I am at the moment-10:15 on the same night.
Pops is at a conference locally. He had a dinner meeting tonight (SAT) and a course at 8 am tomorrow. So he made reservations at the hotel associated with the conference. The best part is that work pays for it. I told him - well I'll head down Sat night and join you. I really had no idea where he was staying.
So I left the insanity of my home and thrived on the solo drive here.
And here I am enjoying my alone time... on the 18th floor of a Hilton Hotel. I need my special key to "get up to the towers"-this is the top floor. I had a bath and the bath products they have are one of my favorites, Le Source by Crabtree and Evelyn. So I am clean and I smell great. I am wearing the Hilton white robe and have secured a spot sandwiched between the down comforter and the feather bed. There is some complimentary suite with drinks-free soda for me thank you-and desserts. Okay, well the desserts were gone already. But it looks like there is going to be breakfast with Starbuck's coffee 10 feet from my room in the am. Not bad eh? I won't be rushing out in the am. My kids will watch endless TV from 7 am until I get home. But perhaps I'll be a bit saner then.

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