Tuesday, March 27, 2007


In no particular order and with poor grammar

~school district has shat upon my friend and child. no communication, breaking laws, betraying, seemingly supporting an exceptionally crappy teacher. I (and i am no the mama) betrayed, stounded, angry, sad

~Java is a raving psycho puppy to Sierra. I am so sorry Sisi!

~I have a mouth and throat full of kanker, canker, canchor sp? sores. They HURT in a burny, itchy way and are making me irritable.

~A client's Mom brought me a cookie bouquet. So nice! She is thinking of me when her Mom is having total ysterectomy due to cncer

~Another friends Dad recently diagnosed with lung cancer

~Another friends Dad with ramping up leukemia

~There is some shitty stuff going on out there

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