Thursday, June 01, 2006


Today I:
got my kids dressed and raced to school to drop off my son on time with his tin of Gumi Candies to give to classmates for "Star of the week"
-continued to grade the 35 question take-home short-answer finals for my 28 graduate students (you do the math to id number of questions I get to read)
-KAO nany calls-do I want her to work this summer?? I haven't called here she says. YES, yes-just wish it was for less money...
-treated 5 kids at my house
-drove my dtr to pre-k class
-talk to mama T briefly about trnsfer of A to home school, Rain AHHHH! Ask her to bring Ki home b/c I need to cpature every moment to grade tests
-decided not to take Wilber the guinea pig "home" to Iron Gate b/c I haven't yet cleaned out his cage. Forgot check for Mom i owe money
-picked up my son from school and cried when I talked to the teacher b/c I am stressed out about inclusion specialist rec we transfer to homeschool and school is out in 2 weeks and we can't convene on a time for IEP
-fought with my son to do 10 simple addition math problems
-tutor arrives I for got to pay her
-cancelled my pm speech kid b/c overwhelmed with finals and grades need to be posted tomarrow
-rested for 20 min on couch
-resumed grading
-sent son off to baseball practice (tutor drops him off-bless her)
-washed Sammy the guinea pig in the sink so my son A and I can bring him in to school tomarrow am for star of the week-share your pets day
-made brwonies with my dtr for PTA meeting tonight
-babysat my dear friends son who has autism
-pack up he and my dtr and go pcik up my sone from baseball practice
-gather jamies and put my 2 kids in the tub, my sons friend B. joins in by undressing and standing in he tub along with them
-make pasta
-simmer pasta suace and frozen meatballs for dinner for kids and hubby
-hubby says-don't leave me with all 3 of these kids
-chat with dear friend who picks up beautiful boy B
-take brownies to potlcuk PTA meeting-I am incoming secretary for school PTA. Get there after the meeting mostly, but shre some brownies abd let another Mom with "special" kid know about Fri pm at the park with the "special" gang-feels good
-have a dinner of brownies, bread and canteloupe my dtr left
-rerun call to another SLP who has clled 4 times to get notes from me that are all over my house (she doesn't understand that means I have various lec notes spread in everyroom of my house)
-grade finals
-almost done, determine grades for all but 3, whose finals I will read in the am
-tomarrow I pick up persc of increased dose of antidepressants. yeah!
-STILL I HAVA NOT YET SENT stuff for dear dear friends wedding shower here
-I have a million things I need to follow up on, A glasses broken, are cousins coming to stay, Mom not cashing checks she is getting-stock broker called me

-Ki is crying, wants me to climb in bed with her-off to brush teeth zzzzzzzzzz

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