Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sensory Integration Dysfunction and Football

Tonight we were all watching football at our house. AJ (MY SON AKA AS A., WHICH I AM FINDING IS ANnOYING TO TYPE SO HENCE FORTH TO BE KNOWN AS AJ).
Anyway, AJ kept saying, "I wanna play football." I kept cringing at the thought and avoided commenting in return. My husband said, "Well we can always go outside and play."
Just then there was a play in the game where one of the offensive players was hit hard by a guy who came out of nowhere and slammed him up into the air and straight into the ground. Aha I thought! I can use this as a "teaching moment."
"AJ watch the replay. See what happened to him? Doesn't that look like it hurt? Would you want to have that happen?"
What was I thinking? I have a kid who has sensory integration disorder and is a sensory seeker. I drink coffee in the morning. He enjoys running into and bouncing off walls as a good start to his day. In his eyes, football must look like Heaven's idea of exercise.

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