Thursday, January 03, 2008

Feeding, Feeding, Feeding and Swallowng

I'm excited! I have spent the evening looking into courses on feeding and swallowing for pediatrics. I have found 3 that all sound very different and I can get to them. I think I can get to them. One is in San diego in 2 weeks -that would mean flying dowen and ataying w/ Dad and his wife. That would be good b/c I could visit with them. I could also then write off the flight and wouldn't have to pay for hotel. May still have to rent a car-mmm.
Another course is 2 or 3 weeks after that in So SF-very close.
A month after that is another course in Davis-Perhaps I could stay w/ Ali's Mom who lives there. Or maybe even my friend's friend...sounds like I'd be imposing possibly.
Anyway, the good news is that in 2 months I could have completed 39 continuing education hours specifically in pediatric swallowing and feeding. And I will be out $1,200.00 in course fees alone. But I think it is worth it. I love learning and it will be a good booost for my practice and for me professionally.
I should also look into becoming board certified in swallowing and swallowing disorders. This is a newer thing (a few years old) from my national professional organization. This certification from our national organization is not required, but is just a fancy thing to put after your name. When I was working regularly at Stanford I could've cleared all the req's in a heart beat. But I think it has been too long now.
I also looked into certification for NDT for pediatrics (neuro-developmental treatment). The focus of this certification is the evaluation and treatment of babies through adults with CP and related neuromotor difficulties. It is an 8 week full-time certification. Yes, you read that correctly. It didn't have the cost listed. But when I did the 3 week certification for adults with hemiplegia 10 years ago-that was ...I think $3,000.00 then. mmmm. I didn't have kids then and Stanford paid for part of it.
Lot's to think about. But very exciting!


  1. Whee! Maybe you & I should form a little study group -- you with the motor issues, me with the cognitive issues.

    I think one of my gifts is my delight in (for example) flailing 10 yo boys I enjoy the energy.

  2. verrry exciting! you go girl!

    ah, Liz? you delight in flailing young boys? is that like flogging young boys? hmmm.

    heh heh.

