Friday, July 14, 2006


The dog who-makes-poor-eating-choices just ate 3 small magnets from a toy set. A. threw them on the ground, and she snarfed them up. There was a story in the news of a young child who ate these and they later attached in the intestines and s/he died.

I called vet about how to induce vomiting as my techniques weren't working, "Give her 2 T hydrogen peroxide, if nothing another 1 T 15 min later.

I am here withmy 2 kids, 2 other kids and my Mom. Supposed to be a playdate for A. with "typical" kids, something I desperately avoid as it makes me sad and nutty

After 2T-nothing, no vommitting. I had her drink cold H20 and I think she is so bloated it is not effecting her

Supposed to drive kids home soon, after ice cream out, go to another friends house to play, go to store, make soup
prepare for pary tomarrow

I gave another 1T....been 10 min nothing

tomarrow am: pack up Mom go to farmers mrt, drive mom to airport before 10, pick up Pops and others at 11 feed them, help unpack, pack up kids send them with POPs to his Dad and brothers, prepare for party

this is exactly 2 weeks since we were last at the vet inducing vommittng for the dog. i am going to call the vet back in 5 min and ask for what to do next...

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